Wednesday 7 March 2007


I thought this weeks lecture was really interesting on fidelity and betrayal (once the rabble shut up, that is). I think betrayal is the key part of this. yes, it's hurtful when a partner strays and the details upset people, but i think ultimately it is the betrayal of trust that hurts.

Trust is almost a part of our survival and i think we have trouble coping without it. Very often a couple will try again after an affair, and when they can't it is usually the fact that the trust has been destroyed that causes them to part.

Why is trust so important? Well when you think that right from birth we need trust. We have to, as helpless babies, trust in adults to feed us, take care of us and love us. This first experience of trust can leave us with good experiences, meaning we can grow into trusting and caring adults, or bad experiences whereby we have a lifelong difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships because of a lack of trust.

We trust people in so many areas of our lives. We trust Doctors when they treat us, we trust our friends and family to be there for us, we trust people not to rob us or rip us off, we trust what advice we recieve from experts. When ever we face a situation where trust has been broken our faith in human nature is shaken a bit and we have to build up the trust again. This doesn't always affect us when the person isn't emotionally important to us; we may get ripped off and shrug this off but when the person means a lot to us it can be very hard to rebuild the trust.

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